North of England 
Weimaraner Society


Application forms are available below to download or from the Membership Secretary, Andrea Smith Tel: ​07815 091741. If you prefer, you can email the Membership Secretary for a form emailing to you. 

All applicants must be sponsored by a fully paid up member of NEWS. All forms should be returned to Andrea Smith as indicated on the form accompanied by the appropriate fee. 

GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATION (GDPR): by giving your email address you are consenting to receive information from NEWS via email. Your details are used solely for the records of NEWS and are not passed on to any third parties.

Single £10 - Joint £12 - Overseas £15 - Junior £1 

Membership Application Form

Rules & Code of Ethics Booklet
It is IMPORTANT that you read the Rules & Code of Ethics as this is a condition of membership.

Standing Order Form   

Renewal of Membership Fees 

Membership fees are due on the 1st February each year. Should you wish to renew your membership, please forward the appropriate fee to the Membership Secretary as soon as possible. If you do not wish to renew your membership we would be grateful if you could please let the Membership Secretary know. 

Current Membership fees are as follows: - SINGLE - £10 / JOINT - £12 / OVERSEAS - £15 / JUNIOR - £1 

Cheques: Payable to North of England Weimaraner Society 
UK BACS: YORKSHIRE BANK Sort Code 05-03-70 Account No: 43661020 - Please quote your membership number with your surname.
Overseas Payments: IBAN GB56YORK0503 7043661020 BIC YORKGB21370

Your membership of N.E.W.S. will cease on the 1st April in accordance with Society Rules if subscriptions remain unpaid. Thank you                  

Please do not use the Yorkshire Bank account for any payment other than your membership fee, thank you.